Craziest thing that ever happened to me ...and you? (AlextheKay remembers)

What's the nuttiest thing that ever happened to you?  The absurd stuff that you might see on a television show that's jumping the shark, and insane stuff that doesn't really happen to ordinary people, right?

With me it's a competition. There's the mafia bomb that blew up dad's car in the driveway when I was 14.  The time my mother got arrested... 


The nuttiest was when my next door neighbor drove into my garage!   I was living alone by then, my wife having passed, and kids grown and flown.  A nice quiet afternoon and  B O O M ! ! !   What the hell was that?  Sounded like a tree limb fell on the house maybe? 

So outside I go.  I walk around the house, and in the back of my garage I find my neighbor's shiny red car embedded in the rear wall.  Seems the old fellow (must be pushing 95) really meant to hit the brakes, but his foot chose the gas pedal instead.  He was very embarrased.  I was very put out. 

Especially when his car insurance company got into a fight with my home insurance company over who was going to pay for it.  And even more when the city proclaimed that because my 20-year-old siding couldn't be matched, all the siding on the house had to be replaced!

In the end--four months later--I got all new siding, and my insurer settled with his insurer.  No idea who paid what, but I paid zilch, which is as it should be.

But seriously?  Who has a neighbor drive a car through a wall of their house?

And you?  What's the nuttiest thing that ever happened to you?


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