Open Thread

 Thankfully Susan has been carrying the ball the last few days, as I have been knee deep (figuratively and literally) in paint.

Clean up day today and I am done. So thought I would take a few minutes to suggest an Open Thread.

Talk politics. talk nonsense, talk social issues, talk about your plans  for today. Talk about whatever. Cute animals always are a winner. 

Sometimes the best threads are those that are NOT about something. Dontcha all agree?

Have fun, I will attempt to drop in here throughout the day.


(Oh shit, they got knocked out, didn't they?)


(Uh, no, they got knocked out too, didn't they?)

PS: I have noticed a few newbies dropping by over the last few days and weeks, if you are one of them and plan on sticking around let me know if you want to be added to my invite list. 


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