Determining a POTUS…

Cat’s Paw wants us to:

Discuss The EC (Electoral College), and the popular vote.

 For example:

- Would you call the U.S. Electoral College system a fair or unfair election process/system?  Why?

- Would you be in favor of picking a president by popular vote over the EC vote, or are you happy with the current way it’s done (via the EC vote, state by state)?

- Should the EC be eliminated, tweaked, and/or replaced with another form of picking a POTUS?  If yes, give details.

- If you are not in the U.S., but know of the U.S. political system, also give your opinions.  How/In what way does your country pick your leader/head of state?  Are you happy/unhappy with it?

(posted for Cat’s Paw by PrimalSoup)


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