How far we can take the teaching of tolerance, part II
Some further remarks of mine from Freelance Christianity: "Is Tolerance a Luxury or a Virtue?"
"May I say that "teaching tolerance" has gone too far in U.S. "liberal" and "left-wing" circles? Lessons in tolerance are for those who can afford to be forbearing. If a man "tolerates" a female colleague or partner of equal or similar talent or other merit, it's because he can afford to give some ground to her. If a white woman carefully thinks through her presumptions and learns to work amicably with one or two black men, it's because the free passes and protections she enjoys as a "Karen" give her the space she needs to make those small concessions. (Why are we so afraid of these guys, anyway?!) And even among downtrodden non-whites, cis-het men can acknowledge that the civil-dignity claims of the women and GLBT's in their neighborhoods are based almost entirely on the Gospel, the Bill of Rights, and the sermons of Dr. MLK.
"But since when are Jews supposed to sit and listen to anti-Semitic
abuse, or blacks to white racist tirades? The [main] problem with the gratuitous
insults white Christians routinely throw at non-whites, non-Christians, and the
marginalized in general is not that those mean gestures hurt the targets'
feelings, because those feelings are solely in the heads of the individuals
having them. The [main] problem with the insults is that they are declarations of
civic and economic war on the recipients; the speaker is declaring that they
intend to undercut the vital interests of the people they hate. And this is an
attitude worth stamping out, which is why swastika displays are prohibited in
modern Germany." (Emphasis added)
Posted by Jennifer A. Nolan
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