Okay, ‘fess up!

Let’s get nasty. No, not that kind.  I’m talking about odd things you would eat as a kid.  Not food items, we’ve covered that.  I’m not even talking about kid habits, like sucking on hand railings or eating dirt, or those things that come out of the nose.  Those are a given.  I’m talking about things like erasers and fingernails. 😮

Here is a list of some of the things that come to my mind, that I dared to eat as a child.  I guess what didn’t kill me must have made me stronger?

Newspaper- Something about the ink smell said “I’m edible.”

Class glue- Man, that pasty white stuff smelled sooo good.  What child alive can resist that?

Sour grass- Now, I have no idea what that really is.  We just called it “sour grass.”  Yes, it was sour-ish and we liked it (a precursor to developing “adult tastes” I guess?).  Can you imagine how many insect larvae I consumed??  Day-um! 🤢

Clover juice- Yes, we used to pick those pink clover flowers and suck on the ends, where the sweet stuff was (the stuff insects go after).  Mmm-Mmm good (like Campbell’s Soup). 😉

Wild “black cherries” from the forest trees- All seed and virtually no flesh.  But you loaded up your mouth with a handful of them and sucked all the juice out and found some kind of satisfaction as a kid.

Okay, your turn.  Let me know about the odd things you ate as a child.  Can you beat my bizarre list?  I'm braced for impact!! 😲

(by Primal Soup-less)


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