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I really really am fed up with Dinner Time callers!!

 Here is the backdrop: Growing up, no one ever would have considered calling someone during the dinner hour. It was just understood that it was poor etiquette to do so.

Mind you, during my young and wilder adult years, all etiquette went out the window. BUT as soon as I met Patricia (me ex) the etiquette was observed again. She in fact was a stickler for no calls coming in during dinner time. 

Typically no one called us anyways, it was not something we had to remind people of. It was just one of those things, like giving up your seat on a bus to a senior or a lady (I know - old fashion -right?).

Then I met Geri and her family just called whenever they felt like it. We didn't exactly have a fight over it but I made my position clear. She agreed. Unfortunately we live in different times now, WE REALLY DO.

My son is a good example, he thinks traditions like this and other forms of etiquette are silly. He knows NOT to call during dinner hour but not because he thinks he shouldn't, but because he knows I don't like it.

Even found a piece online about this phenomenon:

Miss Manners: Dinnertime phone calls are easy to manage

Dear Miss Manners: Does no one observe the dinner hour anymore?

My dear grandmother, the etiquette expert in my family, instructed me at an early age that it was impolite to call anyone between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. unless the matter was urgent, because it was assumed that most families ate dinner during that time.

I understand that times have changed (not necessarily for the better, in my opinion), and many people don't cook or eat at home on a regular basis. Not that it matters — the advent of the cellphone has made it possible to interrupt someone's dinner wherever they may be having it.

Neither my family nor my circle of close friends is large, but I can't tell you the last time I prepared and consumed a meal without my phone ringing at least once.

Bad: the demise of the nightly household dinner. It is where people bond, as well as where children learn the art of conversation and how to eat without disgusting others.

SO? Weigh in. Am I being a fuss pot or are some things just polite, like not calling someone during the dinner hour?

OR are some of those traditions just silly (as my son believes)?

AND are there things people do that you consider poor form, a lack of etiquette or a lack of civility? Like not putting your feet up on the coffee table? 

WHAT ruffles your feathers??

PS: it is ok for me to post this now as our dinner hour is typically between 4:30 and 5:30. And it is now 5:45 😛


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