Tomorrow’s the day…


Tomorrow is the perfect chance to be naughty.  Yes, it’s April Fools' Day tomorrow, here in the U.S.  In case you’ve never heard of it (unlikely, unless you live a sheltered life, far, far away), it’s the day we here in the U.S. play an innocent prank on an unsuspecting victim.  I get my husband every year!  Poor thing (ha-ha).

I’ve used the “Guess what, the car has a flat tire” more than once.  He, of course, goes running to the car to check it out, as I follow him and meet him with a big grin when he turns around, looking confused.  He immediately knows the date.  Feeling kind of foolish (that's the goal) he then tries to get me back the rest of the day, but it never works.

Then, there was my “OMG, there are two kittens on the front porch!” prank.  Well, needless to say, I’ve done many such silly pranks on that day. 😈

So, here are the fun questions:

  • Have you ever pulled April Fools' jokes on anyone?  If yes, what were they?
  • Have you ever had anyone pull an April Fools' joke on you?  Tell us about it.
  • Do you plan a joke for tomorrow?  If so, what is it?  Give us some suggestions for possible jokes.

Btw, we had a low tire about two months ago, and my husband filled it with air and said it looked okay, nothing obvious.  But it might be time for me to pull the “flat tire” joke again.  Conditions seem right for his picking!! 😁

(by Primordial “April Fools'!” Soup)  

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