I usually cringe when I hear the word “expert” since that word is thrown around willy-nilly these days. I used to work with a man whose business card read “Computer Expert.” My cousin used to have a beauty shop selling Merle Norman cosmetics. Her business card read “Beauty Expert.” Hey, attitude is everything!
I also remember the word “craftsmanship”, now also a lost
art. Things are slapped together nowadays
and often (I think of it as) “built to fail”. Go commercialism!! But these subjects are for another OP, another day. Anyway…
Q1: If you could instantly become an expert in something, what
would it be? You can pick up to three
Q2. Are you currently an expert on anything? If so, explain and give
us/list your credentials.
Q3. Do you believe that one day science will be able to download
knowledge into one’s brain for an instant understanding of some subject?
Thanks for posting and recommending.
(by Primal “wannabe an expert” Soup)