Pleading time again

 Most of my authors have disappeared again.

So time for a friendly reminder, your participation helps keep this forum alive. 

Mind you, with what is happening in Ukraine, I too feel weighed down and hardly have the energy to post much myself. Depressing, ain't it?

So ANYONE who is more or less a regular on here who wants to be added on as an author, just let me know.

A personal update: the move (finally) to Canada is very close to reality, I plan a trip later this month to my favorite town in Ontario to check out some apartments and condos. There have been, over the last few years, so many false alarms that I was loathe to even post this update, but this time Geri and I are serious, so here is hoping.......

Meanwhile, consider this an open thread, if you have any suggestions, please post them, otherwise drop in and drop a line or two to let me know you are still with us 😏.

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