Bogus Quotus

 I was trawling the boards the other day and ran into this gem:

The American republic will endure until the day Congress

discovers it can bribe the public with the public's money

- Alexis De Tocqueville

"Fascinating!" I thought to myself.  Except I actually read his classic Democracy in America back in high school, and, um....I recall that this ran counter to pretty much everything in that book (which spent a lot of time talking about how popular pressure could corrupt government, not the opposite).

What is it about the internet that makes the promulgation of phony "quotations" so attractive?  Here are some of my favorites:


Also nope.

Nope once again.

And still nope!

So keep those skeptical antenna quivering, folks, and when in doubt remember the wisdom of Honest Abe:

What whoppers have you enjoyed?  Share!

AlextheKay has learned to make this line larger! 


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