Sunday puzzle
I thought, what with the mayhem of the current news cycle, and the dismay we are all feeling about the current situation in Ukraine, we could use a major break from all the angst and melee of the world with a word puzzle:
Challenge: Every answer today is a word or name with the sound of "may," but not necessarily spelled as "may", somewhere inside the sought word.
Example: Changing one thing into another thing = transformation.
Ok, here we go:
Judgment or opinion of something
The "T" of B.L.T.
Spotted dog
Love of setting fires
Specialty of Disney Studios
Country whose capital is Bucharest
Island state of Australia
Facts and figures
Use of machinery in place of human labor
Alternative to burial
Language that Jesus is believe to have spoken
Demand that might end "... or else!"
Suggestion: IF you know the answers but don't want to give them away, use the spoiler feature, that will hide your answer so you don't give it away to everyone else but still allows others to hover over the spoiler if they can't get the answer themselves 😏
If you feel inclined, yes you may, include our own word puzzle to challenge us to something that includes the sound of "may."