Just curious

There is something I have wanted to do for a while now, but wasn't sure if there would be enough interest or enthusiasm for my idea.

Most of us are more or less strangers to each other, and some prefer it that way, the whole anonymity thing. Some others have talked about their lives and told us stories of their past and shared experiences. I certainly have.

Some, dare I say, I would consider friends on here. A few, not including myself so far, have shared pictures of themselves. Others never have, and that is their choice. I have also talked to a few on here via email and a few have shared pictures of themselves via email. I have a picture of me posted on my email account that is like 20 years old, so no longer how I look.

So my idea is to share pictures with each other. Unfortunately I never had a lot of pictures taken of me, but do have a few, and I am not a Facebooker or a Twitterer or take any Selfies. But I am sure, from time to time, some of you must have mused "I wonder what Snowy really looks like?" Or maybe you never did, and that is just my vanity thinking that way.

So I am seeking feedback here from my regulars, asking if a photo exchange is something you would be interested in or if you prefer we keep ourselves anonymous. I am also looking to see who else will want to participate in sharing pictures of themselves, maybe from younger years, and or current. It would be nice, in my humble opinion to be able to put a face with the name. Or maybe the mystery is preferable? Because, let's face it, the fantasy we might have about each other might be preferable to the reality. What say YOU?

So there is my proposal, I will not post anything till I gauge enthusiasm - or lack thereof - to the idea.

It would be nice to "see" some of my regulars, but I recognize not everyone would be as willing to share. So I will wait till I see the responses before making a decision about going ahead with posting pictures of myself. AND I would do so from a separate thread.

Just to wet your appetite though, here is a picture of me and my younger bro from  your childhood years:

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