The Big Salad...

Loves me “the big salad” (a la Elaine Benes, “Seinfeld”).  

About three times a year I crave one. I always make ‘em myself, since I can build according to my faves. So, that happened yesterday. It's takes about 1 ½ hours to put it all together (I'm a "slow Pope," as my husband would say), but so worth it! 😋

My salad favorites include: Red and green leaf lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, celery, carrots, green pepper, red onion, green onion, mushrooms, dark red kidney beans, garbanzo beans, cheese, egg, ranch dressing.

Of course, in order to include all that, I end up with 6 big salads! So we are "saladed-out" after three or four days of salad overdose.  🤢  But oh that first one!   

Okay, a pretty lame OP, I grant you. Hey, it’s the weekend (in my neck of the woods), so most everyone is off today and not at work, checking out the blogs. 😉 You know, having better things to do, places to go, people to meet. 

So here’s the silly Saturday salad (say that five times fast) question:

    What do you want in your salad? 

    - What kind of dressing?  

May I take your order??

And remember to tip your waitress (with a post). That’s me! 😁

(By Primal “Soup-less and Salad”)

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