Perverse songs

 Perhaps this is the wrong era for this, being all woke and everything, but I love some really perverse music.  Stuff that crosses the line for the sake of doing so.  For example, this old classic from a member of The Who:

Really, how can you help but feel sorry for this pathetic fellow?  Poor old sod. (And the whole album is like this!)

And then there's "Brown Sugar," which the Rolling Stones just removed from their playlist because fifty years after it was released, people suddenly noticed it's about whipping slaves.

And Alice Cooper's "Billion Dollar Babies," which has the delightful lyric 

"We go dancing nightly in the attic

While the moon is rising in the sky

If I'm too rough, tell me I'm so scared 

your little head will come off in my hands"

Is that romantic or what?

So let's celebrate the sick stuff, the motley music that should make us puke but instead has up leaping to our feet and dancing. Let's party!

AlextheKay, a fun-loving guy

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