
 Euthanasia is becoming more accessible as more countries loosen their laws. It's accessible across Canada and the number asking for release is climbing. The religious are against it, something to do with what some god said somewhere or other, but seemingly, most people believe it to be a matter private to the individual.

I'm getting up there and the thought of being confined to a bed, perhaps in pain, certainly discomfort and waiting for the end is not a happy one. When the time comes, and assuming that I don't go like my Dad, who died between being woken up and getting his morning cup of tea, I will have the choice to end it all, and I know that in our one hospital it is readily available.

As I said it's religion which is against the idea of medically assisted death. Rightist of right wing Popes, John Paul II said this:

The deliberate decision to deprive an innocent human being of his life is always morally evil and can never be licit either as an end in itself or as a means to a good end. It is in fact a grave act of disobedience to the moral law, and indeed to God himself, the author and guarantor of that law; it contradicts the fundamental virtues of justice and charity.

"A grave act of disobedience to the moral law" is an assumption that there is a universal moral law and that it is what I say it is. No consideration for a person dying a bad death, who just wants out. All must bow to my version of god.

It's difficult to think of an appropriate picture, so here is Cleopatra with her asp, by Artemisia Gentileschi, circa 1630.

So the question is: What do you think of medically assisted death, euthanasia?

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