Hello to my Peeps
Life has become busy again, so I will again be less active on here than usual.
Now, don't be getting any ideas, I will still be hovering and keeping an eye on things, but I need some help from my peeps, namely, YOU!
We have become bombarded lately with spam, guess someone didn't like their treatment on here so is spamming us, easy enough to deal with though.
I could use one more moderator. Someone who is on here regularly and knows how to check the spam filter and pending comments. I have a couple of you in mind, but thought I would put out a general SOS for anyone interested first before asking those I have in mind. Please step up.
As well, I have a handful of authors who post regularly on here, but another half dozen or so who have been inactive lately (sad to say), and another couple who have disappeared - so hope they have disappeared because of life or other interests, not health reasons.
If you have a special interest, and it can be anything, politics aside: social commentary, music videos, recipes, life observations, and so on, just tag me and let me know you would like to be an author.
Otherwise, post anything you want on this Sunday, and hopefully my SOS will be met with some responses.
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