The gradual death of the individual

We came a long way. We traded our caves for smart homes and prolonged our life from 30 till over a 100. We have all the information we ever need at the tip of our fingers and went from an honest fistfight, with blood on the walls, to bashing each other on the internet. Not sure if the last one is actual progress, but it sets the right tone for the rest of this article. The keyboard warrior replaced the real warrior. The samurai with a code of honor, who fought for what he believed was right, he who serves. The noble master of his craft, dedicating his life for his purpose. The one who would take his own life, to save the cause.


Where did this keyboard warrior arise from? Standing for something is scary business nowadays. Act out of the ordinary and you’ll end up on social media or even the news. You’ll be lynched for saying something that might have offended somebody somewhere. Even if your message is the god honest truth. Standing for it is scary business. But in fact, standing for something has never been safer. At best we are ridiculed and made fun of.


Being a drop in the ocean of society is pleasant, it’s comfortable. You’re never the center of attention, hardly have to defend yourself, always feel supported by your peers and you can safely make fun of those who aren’t a drop in the ocean. But deep inside you know there is a price to be paid. There is a price to being mediocre, to stand amongst the biggest crowd. A price to watering down your opinion, to dress just like the rest. A price to pay when you are not able to give zero fucks about what others think.


Don’t be a drop in the ocean, be a rock. No need to be a big rock, a pebble will do. Cause a ripple, make some waves. Distort the still ocean. Make some drops jump out of the ocean, only if it’s just for a second. That piece deep inside you that’s hidden so well you forgot about it. That crazy thing that sometimes pays you a visit when you are 100% confident. The craziness that takes over in a moment of being truly authentic, that moment that makes you think “wow, I can’t believe I did that last night” the next morning. That touch of craziness is what defines you. That’s what the world needs from you. Stand up for what you believe in, offend some people, make a ruckus. Not for the sake of being a ruckus maker, but for the sake of being true to yourself and for putting things in motion. 


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