Idiot Martin Short, who is a self-employed amender of stuff on Wikipedia he does not like, has taken to social media to report that the new vaccine is already showing serious fish-based side effects.

Short said: ‘As an expert on opinions about everything I don’t know, I am required by natural law to comment on things such as vaccines.  In doing so, it is incumbent on me to ensure my comments are as baseless as they are dangerous.  Like the climate change hoax.  It’s f*cking three degrees outside!

‘Therefore, posting a tweet that basically says the new COVID-19 vaccination is the latest in the long line of evil liberal scientists’ plot to turn us into haddocks, is my civic duty.  I will also one day look up what vaccines do but first things first.

‘It is a race against time but I’m hopeful that we will see a spike in vaccination refusal.  Luckily it will also coincide with the other important issue that is very close to my heart, namely the anti-mask and pro-mass gatherings campaign.

‘Ensuring that we can continue to live in a world free of tyranny and common sense is what keeps me going.  Well, that and regular injections of goat semen as ordered by my overlord.  Yes, master, continue to guide me down the path of self-righteous indignation.

‘Sorry, where was I?’


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