That’s Life!

It’s been said by others that "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.  So true.  We dream as kids, but more often than not, we don’t end up living out that fantasy dream.  Life gets in the way.  Life more happens to you, rather than you happening to life.  C'est la vie.

My dad used to say, in frustration, that I should be a lawyer, since all I did was ask too many continuous questions.  (I still like to do that!)  I vividly remember wanting to be an astronaut when I was a little girl.  My cousins and I used to “play astronaut,” going out on scouting missions by the local creek, pretending it was another planet.   I remember we’d also take turns wrapping each other up in a huge quilt (in the hot summer sun), seeing if we could withstand the rigors of harsh environments.  We had enough brains about us to put a vacuum hose attachment (from the household vacuum cleaner) in with the prospective astronaut, as their only air supply.  To the sounds of “You still OK?” every few minutes, if you came out alive (probably about 15 minutes later), you were declared worthy of astronaut material.   

How did we ever survive our childhood?  Heck if I know! From playing on creosote-soaked railroad ties, to playing in and around scummy ponds… and beyond, we faced down the jaws of death and lived to tell about it! 

So, here’s the question.  What did you want to be when you grew up?  How close did you come to realizing it?  Got any stories??

Thanks for posting and recommending.

(by PrimordialSoup)


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