it's beginning to look like WAR ON CHRISTMAS!

 December!  Time to put aside a healthy sum for gifts, maybe rip an innocent fir tree out of the ground and strangle it in strings of electric lights, find the biggest stocking you can and hang it from the fireplace (if you have one) or radiator (if you do not).

Well, that's what I've heard.  What do I know?  I'm Jewish.

And now come the merry sounds of jingle bells, the lovely Christmas Carols and the bitter tears of victimization!   Yes, friends, it's time for the annual

I'm  uncertain when it started, though we all know where it started: Fox News, that home away from home for conservatives who feel misunderstood but superior to the rest of us.

And let's be honest:  it's fun.  No, really!  Rarely has such a hilarious bogus complaint trended quite so high until, um, this year's post-election season.  But enough of that part.  Bah!  Humbug!

Let's enjoy some WAR ON CHRISTMAS humor!  For example

Poor little Saint Nicks!  But, wait, there's more!  

Here's Santa, ready to kick some ASS!

Still, we must accept that there will always be doubters.

And let's face facts--this isn't something new.  

Before there was a USA, there were the Colonies.  Where this was posted:

So get out there and be naughty!  It's more fun than nice, no matter what they told you in Harvey.  And remember the most important thing about the holidays:

AlextheKay wants YOU to share you thoughts, gripes, jokes and memes about the war!  Remember--we're Bringing the War Back Home!


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