New Year Resolution Time!

 Yes, I know.  The big joke about New Year's Resolutions is what a short half-life most of them enjoy.  But still--we do them, don't we?  I've even kept a few over the years.  Very few, but some.  

This year, I'm resolving to clear out my attic to some degree.  It's got thousands of books I don't need or want.  And, yes, I am speaking literally.  'Course, most of them were free, as a result of my gig as book feature editor for a major ISP, but, boyoboy, do I wish I'd done a better job of jettisoning them when they first came in the door!

Will I keep the resolution?  I'm determined to at least make a sizable dent in the attic-stuffing!

How about you?   What are you resolving to do?

or maybe just

Tell us all!  AlextheKay demands it!


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