Forum Behavior

I find it a source of pride that for the most part we have collected a group of people on here that can have differing views but still remain reasonably respectful, though heated exchanges do happen, and are welcome.

What is unfortunate is that we still have a small group of people who feel it is ok to call anyone they disagree with "morons" and are unapologetic about it, even to the point of claiming that they are simply calling out someone who they DO consider a moron. Trouble is, resorting to those kinds of attacks might make them look like a moron themselves.

Also personal differences, here as in the real world, can devolve into launching snide personal remarks about someone, short of an outright insult, but meant to "needle" that person you have a personal grievance with. We all know people like this, people who have to make snide remarks about someone because they can't help themselves, and when my lady friend is watching The Young and The Restless, I see fictionalized examples aplenty of what I observe in the real world every day. We want to behave this way?

I participate on another Forum  where the rules are similar to the ones on here, and there is a lot of back and forth, mostly dealing with the topic of the OP, instead of deflecting off onto unrelated subjects just for the sake of scoring points. 

Unfortunately on here, we have a few who ONLY want to praise their side and belittle the other side, and when two people have a disagreement, feel they need to make it personal. I also don't like partisan hacks, but alas, I have to allow partisan comments, otherwise there would be little in the way of discussion on here, but this notion, that MY side is ALWAYS right and your side is delusional, or worse, stupid, is disingenuous. Admittedly a certain segment of society in America today have lost any sense of decency and respect, but that does NOT mean that everyone who is on one side of the politic spectrum is a "moron."

I have even had a few commenters on here take me to task for not being left enough, for being too compromising in my positions. Fair enough, I wear big boy shoes and can take it but I will stick to my beliefs and my guns, without calling you a "moron" or throwing snide remarks or taking the discussion off topic just to score partisan points. WELL, I should say, for the most part, I am still human and tend to exhibit from time to time the very traits I am bemoaning.

Such is our discourse now, for which it is easy to blame a certain President, but as has been remarked elsewhere, is he the cause of our discourse or a symptom of how our society has devolved, where we can not disagree in a civil manner but feel we need to lob grenades at each other?

Comments welcome, feedback welcome.

And yes, I needed to vent, so that is what this is all about.


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