Brain Teasers: Spot the Difference By

Brain Teasers: Spot the Difference By

Dr. Pascale Michelon recently shared with our readers which brain areas and cognitive functions are engaged as we solve the type of brain teaser known as Spot the Difference, where we have to find the differences between two versions of one image: 
1) You have to identify the objects that you see: this involves your occipital lobes (in red).
2) You have to analyzed the spatial relationships between the objects that you see: this involves your occipital and parietal lobes (in green).
3) You have to remember what you see in one picture and compare it to what you see in the other picture, that is you have to use your short-term memory: this involves your frontal (in blue) and parietal lobes.
4) You have to mark down the locations where you see a difference: this involves mostly your frontal lobes (for the movement).
Ready! Set! Go!: How many differences can you spot, and which ones?

Can you identify the Apple Logo?

Could you draw the ubiquitous Apple computer logo from memory?…Out of 85 UCLA undergraduate students, only one correctly reproduced the Apple logo when asked to draw it on a blank sheet of paper. Fewer than half the students correctly identified the actual logo when they were shown it among a number of similar logos with slightly altered features.
An explanation may be that our brains have learned it is not important to remember specific details. An efficient memory system does not need to store the details of a corporate logo…
Earlier studies have shown that most people have a poor memory for other items they encounter daily or almost daily, including computer keyboards (even skilled typists have difficulty describing a standard keyboard), pennies and road signs.”

Do you see the baby?

Which figure should be placed in the empty triangle?

Is the inner shape a real circle?



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