Your favorite varieties

In just a few weeks, those seed catalogs will start arriving in the mail. Even if we do most of our seed shopping online or at the nursery, it gives us something to drool over during those long January & February evenings. So the question, for those of you who garden: What are your favorite varieties? Do you tend to stick with the tried and true, or like to experiment with new varieties? Vegetables? Flowers? Fruit?

I like kohlrabi, but most varieties I've tried get woody and sharp if they get to the size of a baseball. Not Superschmelz! ("super melt" in German). It can get to the size of a bowling ball and be sweeter, crisper, and juicier than other varieties at any size.

I like Scarlet Nantes carrots. Sweet, juicy, crunchy. Yum.

How 'bout you? Bare all!

[posted by Dan T]


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