Here’s something nice and simple for a weekend blog entry…
Rate these 12 smells in order of your favorites (1=best, 12=worst, ties are okay too):
Baking bread
Cinnamon rolls (a la the Bakkers*)
Freshly mowed grass
Ocean smells (sand, sea and surf)
Newborn and other baby smells
Puppy breath
Flowers shops
Soap (your favorite kind)
New car smells
The coffee aisle at the grocery store
Feel free to add other smells that are not on this "widely agreed upon by humanity" list.
(by PrimalSoup)
*Tammy Faye Bakker and her husband Jim Bakker once spent $100 worth of cinnamon rolls because they liked the smell of them in their hotel room. The Bakkers believed that material wealth was a sign of God's grace.
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