Have we become a throwaway society?


Not that I’m perfect… far from it. But when I was growing up, when a nail got bent when my dad was building houses, as a little girl, I’ve seen him take that nail and straighten it out on a hard surface, then reuse it (as did his dad before him).

When we cleaned out his house when he passed away, there were like a hundred or more plastic (and other type) containers they had stored in their cupboards.  I guess they just couldn’t feel good about throwing them in the trash.  What a waste. 😞   

Point is, things, even seemingly insignificant small things, like used butter containers, had value/worth to them.  

In our house, we recycle our plastics to make us feel better (which, my understanding is that most of it ends up shipped to some poor island that dumps it in the ocean somewhere).  But WE feel good because we tried to so-called “recycle it.”  Which begs the question, “Should we really feel good about our recycling efforts, considering what happens after-the-fact (dumping it into the ocean)?”  Well, that’s a different topic for another day.  Anyway… 

Question: Nowadays, is being wasteful just all of us enjoying the fruits of our opulent society?  IOW, are we wrong to feel guiltless, since we are just enjoying the fruits of our modern-day throw-away type of living? Any thoughts??

(by PrimalSoup)


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