Are you a natural contrarian?


We’ve got a few on here [a-hem…no names mentioned].  When I get someone being "contrarian" on a post I do, I always wonder, what is their motive(s):

  • An attempt to correct me?
  • Just a constant difference of opinion/personalities (i.e., we’re oil and water)?
  • They mean nothing by it, but just want to “keep the conversation going?”
  • They want me to second-guess myself? (Hey, no problem there!)
  • They’re using the Socratic Method to get me to think more about my claim/post?
  • Are they a natural born lawyer, and enjoy grilling people?
  • Other?

Q: So why do contrarians be contrary?  Is it just something innate in them, that they can’t help?  What’s your guess?

Q2: Do you know any natural contrarians (e.g., father and son, boss and employee, you and your mother-in-law 😜, etc.).

(by PrimalSoup)


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