I better get a thread posted about New Years before Susan beats me to it.........

 Or any of my other authors beat me to it.

I don't really have a theme though. I was thinking about posting something about New Years resolutions, but......

And let's face it, the topic gets old when discussed EVERY friggin' year. Amirite? 

I would prefer, therefore, to just thank my loyal followers, and my authors, and those who casually drop in once in a while, for keeping this forum hopping. I know I have a hard time sometimes just thinking up topics to post, that is why I am especially grateful to the likes of Susan, Germaine, Funny Bunny, and anyone else who brings fresh topics to this forum.

As for myself.......... I might as well bring y'all up to date:

My son is leaving in January to travel the world. In his mid 30s no less. Quit his job and has dropped his personal possessions off at his mom's. Plans on being away 2 years, and work his way around the world. Good luck to him. He also intends to land in Australia at the end of the trip and maybe stay there. If so, I told him Geri and I might move in with him, I mean, next to Canada, who wouldn't want to live in Australia?

As for we old folks, Geri had knee replacement surgery and is recovering beautifully. I keep losing weight but still have a good 20 lbs to go to reach my goal. I haven't mentioned it here often, have mentioned it more on Kat's channel, but we are unhappy with the apartment we have. I miss having a house. Even a townhouse would be better. I have the need to putter. So once the spring comes our search for new abodes with become far more serious.

Finally, I hope you all play it safe for New Years Eve and beyond, and hope to catch up with y'all in the new year. 

That includes my fellow Ontarions. (spelling?) 😋


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