It’s Sunday here, in my neck of the woods…

… so how about a little religion talk?

I was thinking a few days ago (yes, I do that on occasion), why is it important to believe in God (pick a God, any God), if one is already a good and moral person by average human standards?  Or is it important?? 

Believers are always after non-believers to join their religious forces (pick a religion, any religion).  My understanding is that, in most religions, it’s even the believer’s duty/obligation to do so.  

So, I have to ask, what’s the actual point of insisting on such belief:

  • Is it a way/mechanism to self-preserve?

    • And if so, isn’t that a selfish motive?

    • Does God(s) find favor in that kind of selfishness/ME-ism?

  • Other (you tell me the point/purpose of being a believer)

Enquiring minds, like mine, want to know. 🤔💭

(by PrimalSoup)


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