What do we do about Christmas?

As it does every year, Christmas is almost upon us, the supposed date of Christ’s birth, a holy, special day for believers but now the reason for a crazy shopping spree; which has been taken over by commercialism and fake religious trimmings.

While believers cling on to midnight mass on Christmas Eve and celebrate the birth of their saviour with prayer and music the bulk of us are preoccupied with gorging far too much food and drink and putting on light shows to outdo the neighbours.

There are those who want us to wipe out Christmas all together and abjure greetings like “Happy Christmas”, using happy holidays instead, this to respect the other religions which now abound in our cities. This brings up the question that if some can celebrate Kwanzaa, why can’t others celebrate Christmas?

I am agnostic about Christmas.I enjoy the family get together and the Christmas food (I can no longer stomach more than one glass of white wine) and my daughter informs me that this year the dinner will be crab and mussels.I love mussels stewed in wine, far better than tasteless turkey.

Anyway let’s stop the personal reminiscences and ask the question:

What is Christmas to you? Do you love it, hate it, ignore it? Come on, let's have your deepest feelings about it.

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