What's your favorite...

Cereal?  Yes, something lite to talk about to finish out the weekend.  I will have something heavy duty for you tomorrow.

My husband likes those worthless Rice Krispies, so I buy it for him. 🤷‍♀️ He also likes oatmeal.  Mom must have fed me too much of that as a baby because I can't stand the stuff.  I don't even like thinking about it.

Me, I am fond of Wheaties and Cheerios.  Not sure which is my favorite.  Toss up.

I don't like adding sugar to my cereal, but a lot of people do that.  I saw my [grown-ass] cousin add two heaping teaspoons of granulated sugar to her Raisin Bran once.  Yikes!  Ketoacidosis much? 

I also can't stand the kids stuff; you know, all those candy flavored cereals that pander to kids.  They put those down low on the shelf at the cereal aisle because they know that's what kids see first.  Yes, there's a method to their madness.

So, spill the beans...  I mean cereal.  What, how, etc. do you like your cereal?  Any cereal horror stories to tell us about (see Count Chocula or Boo Berry).

(by PrimalCereal)


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