The ultimate betrayal?

For the believer, specifically the Christian, they know to the depth, breadth and soul of their being that Heaven awaits them.  If there is one thing in this evil world they can be sure of, it’s to experience eternal bliss with their Heavenly Father, after they leave this Hell hole.

The price for that bliss is pretty cheap, as Earthly prices go.  No need for currency, no offering up a family member (as in “first born male child”), no forfeiting all your worldly belongings as payment.  No, in fact, the price is something virtually every human being possesses: the willing acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior… and really mean it [assumes free will].  At least that’s the going rate I’ve been quoted, by some devout Christians I know. 


As a result, all Christians put their lives in God’s hands, full stop.  They eat, drink and sleep “God anything.”  Their God occupies a central part of their being.  God is their rock, their terra firma, their magic elixir, their peace of mind facilitator, their be all-end all. 


NOW… for the challenge.  



I want you to put yourself in the Christian’s mindset.  Even if you currently don’t believe or never have believed, I want you to try to think like a God believer.  Here are some questions:


If there ends up being no such God*, would you consider that an injustice by your God towards you and your fellow devout believers?  Did you get screwed by buying into the God notion?  Is there reason to be pissed at that fictitious God?  Or, should you be more pissed at yourself?  Would you have the right to be pissed?  Was it worth giving up the depth, breadth and soul of your being?  No harm, no foul?


Talk about this scenario as viewed in the eyes of a believer.  Can you do it?


*Disclaimer: Granted, “no God” is something that cannot be known until after death.  But we are projecting/speculating here.  Go with the flow.


(by Primal “something heavy to start off the week” Soup)


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