What's cookin' for Easter weekend?

 Four days off. Thank goodness. We up here in N. Ontario got buried in the last week. The worst behind us now. 

As for what's cookin': I will be preparin' a huge stew, one of my specialties. Then each day of the weekend I will enjoy a bowl with maybe a salad or some dinner rolls.

My stews tend to be thick and rich, and spicy. Lookin' forward to a bowl a night...........................by myself.

You see, a certain young lady has left me. For Easter no less. You're thinkin' yeah this is one of her trips back home to see her daughters. You would be right. So why didn't I go with her. Her stay will be a longer one. Her one daughter is gravely ill, and has been for years. But now worse than ever. So Geri will be staying a few weeks to tend to her. If the medical profession has ever failed someone it is with her daughter. They have done every possible test under the sun and still don't know why she is at death's door. She is a tall lady of 5'6" and weighs only 80 lbs. They put it down to Fibromyalgia.

So, my friends,  here I will be chowin' down on my stew, chased with some Jack Daniels, and hopin' some of my friends here in Canada will take pity on me and invite me over for dinner. (I suspect some might, but to be honest - and don't tell any of 'em I said so - depends on WHO invites me, some of 'em are fun to be around, some not so much). 

AND of course, I might be hangin' around here more than usual though I 'spect you have your own Easter weekend plans and won't have much time for lonesome ole SNOWFLAKE. BUT keep an eye open if you got a few minutes and drop by and say hi anyways. 


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