How To Wipe Your Butt the Healthy Way
You might be wiping your butt in a way that can lead to health issues.
Wipe Your Butt From Front To Back
You've probably heard this directive since you were a kid, and it's really important. "This means wiping in the direction from your urethra to your anus," Alyssa Dweck, MD, a gynecologist in Westchester County, New York, and author of The Complete A to Z for Your V, told Health.
"There are far more bacteria in the rectal area; that's why you want to avoid dragging the toilet paper in the other direction toward your urethra. Bringing this bacteria up [towards the] front can contribute to a urinary tract infection," said Dr. Dweck
Choose the Right Toilet Paper
The best type is soft, white toilet paper that hasn't been dyed and isn't scented. Thin, scratchy toilet paper, scented toilet paper, and recycled TP can cause irritation or even an allergic reaction.
Do the Reach Around
After wadding up a ball of toilet paper (or neatly folding a few sheets), "reach either behind you or between your legs, if that's easier" to make the front-to-back wiping motion, said Dr. Borkar. Keep wiping until all the poop is gone and you feel clean. "Always take your time with these techniques; this is one of the most important things you can do for your health on a daily basis," Dr. Borkar said.
Don't Scrub When You Wipe Your Butt
If you have hemorrhoids—swollen veins that may bulge out from the anus—you might feel you need to rub vigorously with toilet paper to get rid of all residue. "Hemorrhoids create folds and make it tough to clean the area," said Dr. Dweck.
So here's how to deal with that. Many people find that they have to poop in the morning—it's a natural reaction to getting up and having breakfast, and drinking coffee help move things along, too. In that case, you might be able to plan on pooping and then taking a shower before you get started with your day.
This routine is something that Dr. Borkar suggests to patients who have hemorrhoids. "External hemorrhoids often cause pain, itching, or bleeding, so showering with warm water after a BM is a good option," she said. Gently dry the area with a soft towel after your shower.
Skip Store-bought Wipes
Unless advised by your healthcare provider because you have hemorrhoids or a fissure, avoid wipes. You might like wipes for that fresh butt feeling, but they can cause their own problems.
"I see so many people who have irritation and rashes around the vulva and perianal area from using wipes," said Dr. Dweck. This area can be especially sensitive to ingredients like fragrances in scented products, Dr. Dweck said. If you are using wipes for a medical reason, choose unscented products made for sensitive skin, advised Dr. Borkar.
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