What is spiritual narcissism?
Narcissists are everywhere − and, yes, that includes church.
If you've been involved in a church, yoga class, meditation group or other religious or spiritual community, odds are you've come across a spiritual narcissist, or a narcissist who uses spirituality and religion as a means to garner attention and validation, also known as narcissistic supply, to control others.
By no means does someone being religious or spiritual mean they're a narcissist. Rather, psychologists say, spiritual narcissists distort religion and spirituality to cater to their own selfish interests, as well as to punish and abuse others.
Spiritual narcissists will often take religious teachings out of context in order to gaslight people into doing what they want them to do or to justify their own mistreatment of others. If you speak out or raise questions to a spiritual narcissist, expect a smear campaign, in which the narcissist criticizes your faith, spiritual practice and morals.
Like all narcissists, spiritual narcissists also lack empathy, caring only about themselves. Because of this, being perceived as spiritual and enlightened is often more important to them than actually being spiritual or enlightened.
Here are some signs you may be dealing with a spiritual narcissist:
- They resist feedback.
- They’re quick to judge (and judge harshly).
- They always give a spiritual reason for why they're right and you’re wrong.
- They act like their relationship with God is more special than anyone else's.
- They justify abusive actions by saying it's what God has "called" them to do.
- They claim God has "chosen" them for positions of power or leadership within the community.
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