High-school Days! Have you ever gotten over them?

 Tell us your high school memories!

1. Did you marry your high school sweetheart?

2. What did you drive?

3. Where did you work?

4. Where did you live?

5. Were you in choir/band?

6. Still talk to your best friends?

7. Ever get suspended?

8. If you could, would you go back?

9. Still talk to the person that you went to prom with?

10. Did you skip?

11. Go to all the football games?

12. Do you still have your yearbook?

13. Did you follow your "original" career plan?

14. Do you still have your senior ring?

15. Favorite teacher?

16. Most hated teacher?

17. What was your style? Hippie? Greaser? Ponce?

18. Favorite music?


AlextheKay is screwing around today


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