Using the right amount of…

No, not salt, sugar, mustard, soy sauce or any other spice or condiment.  Nor am I talking about social distancing, credit card use, caution or hair gel.  I’m talking about the right amount of… cuss words.

You know, otherwise known as swearing, cursing, potty-mouth. 

How do we know what is the right amount of cuss words?  When is it okay, not okay to use them?

  • Never cuss.  It makes you look bad
  • Only use them in jest, or to get a cheap laugh, but never in anger
  • Only cuss when you’re really really angry, then self-permission and blessing granted
  • Cuss all you want, just don’t take the Lord’s name in vain
  • Do it as long as you don’t use them in front of mom or the kids
  • Use them all you want, I don’t give a shit
  • Cuss words should only be used in the movies, and for effect
  • Ladies should never cuss.  It’s proof that they are not ladies
  • Don’t use them so much that they become meaningless (non-impactful)
  • Try to limit yourself to once per week, then pony-up a dollar to your curse-jar for each event over that, until next week comes
  • Try to substitute euphemisms as much as possible, like shoot, freakin’, darn, unless absolutely necessary
  • [You cuss limits here]

Tell us how you feel about cuss words.  What does your cuss-o-meter say?

(by PrimalSoup)


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