Every year at this time, the American Library Association sponsors Banned Books Week. It's a celebration of fighting censorship. And never has it been more needed than now.
Remember a few years ago, when the right-wing was whining about "cancel culture?" Complaining that "even Doctor Seuss is being censored?" Turns out they were just jealous. And they have gone nuts since then. As the BBW page notes:
In a time of intense political polarization, library staff in every state are facing an unprecedented number of attempts to ban books. ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom ALA documented 1,269 demands to censor library books and resources in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago. The unparalleled number of reported book challenges in 2022 nearly doubles the 729 book challenges reported in 2021. Of the record 2,571 unique titles targeted for censorship, most were by or about LGBTQIA+ persons and Black, Indigenous, and people of color.
So tell us--read any banned books lately?
AlextheKay is chilling with a copy of Gender Queer
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