I’m coming down to the last few questions submitted by our fellow bloggers back in July. I’m gonna chunk them all together here so you can pick and choose anything to your liking:
- 1. For fun: what is your fondest memory of your teenage years? Whether the general or a specific incident.
- 4. Personal: not everyone will be comfortable with personal, but for those who don't mind sharing - is there a time in your life where you really put your foot in it, or did something that left you frightfully embarrassed?
- Discuss The Post. or The Militia, or Cats.
- Discuss the Selective Service and registering to vote.
- Funny complements you have received.
- Settings you like in pop culture.
- A farm, military base, law firm, fast food joint, the board room, the jungle, etc.
- Your earliest memory.
Let’s go out with a bang!!
(by PrimalSoup)
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