Music I Almost Missed 'Cos I'm Old


A couple months ago, I discovered a song that really resonated with me.  Turns out it first appeared almost 20 years ago.  So I mentioned it to my millennial daughter, and she laughed.  "Dad, we tried to get you to listen to that when it was new!" she told me.

What was unusual wasn't that I'd missed it.  What was unusual was that I found it on my own.  I must confess that when it comes to recent music, I usually never hear of it --much less actually hear it!-- unless my millennial children point me at it.  And I find that most of it is relatively successful, but rarely a "hit."  Much like most of the stuff I fell in love with in my youth.  

So I find stuff like this:

or this:

And I wonder what else I've been missing simply because, yeah, I'm old.

Share some stuff you discovered later in life!

          AlextheKay lives for music!          


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