Regarding Snowflake's NOT satire OP…
I was going to post this as a comment on Snowy's OP, but instead, I want to pose the following questions to our group as a whole.
Something has caused way too many people to become
unbalanced/clinically insane. Here in the U.S., we have become a somewhat mentally
unstable country, and no one seems to be able to figure out the antidote/cure. Like any slippery slope, it just keeps getting worse with time, and in almost an exponential way. 1.)
What are the causes? What is that something? [Your analysis
I'm wondering, is it guns? Is it social media? Is it
mainstream media? Is it xenophobia? Is it paranoia? Is it widespread drug use?
Is it dark free speech? Is it lack of the stability of a nuclear family? Is it
poor role models? Is it the widening
wealth gap? Is it the glitz and glamour/sex and violence of Hollywood? 2.) What happened to us? Does anything in particular stand out to you?
[Your analysis here]
And what is the result/product of these “somethings”? Well, it's anger, hate, retaliation, self-preservation, selfishness, greed, denial, subjectivity over objectivity, alt-truth over actual truth, fantasy over reality, me over we, ... the list of negativity goes on. There really is no e pluribus unum anymore. Our divisions are starker than ever. In my opinion we can't possibly survive as a nation this way. It can't turn out well. 3.) Would you agree that it’s only a matter of time before we reach some kind of critical mass? If yes, what will that look like? [Your analysis here]
4.) Lastly, am I
overreacting? If yes, why? Support your claim.
(by PrimalSoup)
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