Regarding Snowflake's NOT satire OP…

I was going to post this as a comment on Snowy's OP, but instead, I want to pose the following questions to our group as a whole.

Something has caused way too many people to become unbalanced/clinically insane. Here in the U.S., we have become a somewhat mentally unstable country, and no one seems to be able to figure out the antidote/cure. Like any slippery slope, it just keeps getting worse with time, and in almost an exponential way. 1.) What are the causes?  What is that something? [Your analysis here]

I'm wondering, is it guns? Is it social media? Is it mainstream media? Is it xenophobia? Is it paranoia? Is it widespread drug use? Is it dark free speech? Is it lack of the stability of a nuclear family? Is it poor role models?  Is it the widening wealth gap? Is it the glitz and glamour/sex and violence of Hollywood?  2.) What happened to us?  Does anything in particular stand out to you? [Your analysis here]

And what is the result/product of these “somethings”? Well, it's anger, hate, retaliation, self-preservation, selfishness, greed, denial, subjectivity over objectivity, alt-truth over actual truth, fantasy over reality, me over we, ... the list of negativity goes on.  There really is no e pluribus unum anymore. Our divisions are starker than ever. In my opinion we can't possibly survive as a nation this way. It can't turn out well. 3.) Would you agree that it’s only a matter of time before we reach some kind of critical mass?  If yes, what will that look like? [Your analysis here]

4.) Lastly, am I overreacting?  If yes, why?  Support your claim.

(by PrimalSoup)


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