
 We're a friendly bunch here on Snowflake's page.  Sweet, accommodating, outrageously good-looking (bet you thought I hadn't noticed!), tasteful and adorable.  Every one of us.

But admit it.  Aren't there some folks out there on the web, maybe right on Disqus, that you hate?  

That you enjoy hating?

I sure have some.  And "enjoy" is the right word, too.  I go out in search of them.  I love me a good battle with a slimy enemy.  Who doesn't?

My chosen targets tend to be anti-semites, science deniers, right-wing dullards and people with no sense of logic who think themselves brilliant debaters.  I've wasted many an hour doing fruitless internet battle with them.

Why do I bother?  I don't know.  It's fun to take on the occasional imbecile, that's all.  

So share!  Tell us who you like to swat!

--AlextheKay is an equal opportunity meanie!


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