Dummies and dimbulbs and morons on swings, let's all MAKE FUN OF OUR FAVORITE THINGS!

 Hey, hey, hey, it's Saturday Night!  And since I haven't watched the show in decades, I have to come up with my own humor.  So naturally, I look for things that poke fun at the things I like.  

It's too easy to blow a big razoo at stuff you hate.  It's barely sport!  In other words, if you can't be with the one you mock, mock the one you're with!

Ferinstance, who doesn't love Queen?  Who hasn't crooned along with Freddy Mercury on "Bohemian Rhapsody?"

And, hey, don't we all love  Star Trek?

 Dr. Seuss has been trending in the news and on debate boards for a few weeks?  Why let him off the hook, eh?

And with Easter sneaking up on us, how about a little razoo for the Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

AlextheKay wants to get this kettle cooking!  Find something you love and SKEWER it!


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