“Race-Baiting”, According to White People
When recognizing prejudices means that you are fabricating something.
“This is ridiculous. Cancel culture has created a herd of race-baiters that are just never going to go away. I’m so sick of this crap!”
Any time racism is pointed out in modern culture, you are guaranteed to see at least one comment like the one above from an agitated white person who feels that their grip on a privileged society is slowly slipping away.
Read any piece on race relations on Medium and you’ll also get a comment like the one above. Read the comments on this article and you’ll get the same thing.
All that means is that the people who need to see racism the most are reading and hearing these issues brought to their attention. Maybe with enough time and thinking, they will soon see the reasoning behind “race-baiting”.
Without further ado, here is a small list of the times you may hear that someone or something is “race-baiting”, according to white people.
Argument 1: “If black people don’t want to be arrested for drug crimes, maybe they should stop committing them. There is nothing racist about sending black drug criminals to prison. People need to stop race-baiting with these arrests!”
The war on drugs is a sticking point with many white conservatives. They put on blinders and believe that black people are not targeted any more than their white counterparts for drugs offenses. The data backs up the racism.
In every year from 1980 to 2007, blacks were arrested nationwide on drug charges at rates relative to population that were 2.8 to 5.5 times higher than white arrest rates
With the white population being so much higher than the black in the United States, it would be naive at best to believe that there isn’t racial profiling involved when tracking down drug criminals.
At no point in time should black people be arrested at 5.5 times higher rates for the same crimes as white people, especially when the population ratio so heavily leans white.
It is not race-baiting to fight for the end of racial drug profiling. It is simply displaying the cold, hard data on this atrocity. Maybe if people would have brought more awareness to it back in the 1980’s we wouldn’t still be having these arguments.
MORE ARGUMENTS: https://aninjusticemag.com/race-baiting-according-to-white-people-b5a577bfc624
Not everything is racist. But white people have absolutely no right to claim what is or isn’t offensive to a person of color.
It is not race-baiting to stand up for insensitive actions and words.
It is not race-baiting to call out movie studios, professional sports teams, advertising firms, engineering companies, Amazon, Facebook, Silicon Valley, and every other employer in this country for not allowing the same opportunities for non-white people in their companies.
It is not race-baiting to recognize the inequalities in policing, in criminal justice, and politics in our nation.
Race-baiting is just another buzzword to turn people of color against whites. To make that certain sector of the country even more resistant to fighting racial disparities.
Don’t fall for it.
Caving to ignorant rhetoric is what has caused us to fall so far behind. It’s what has caused our progress to go at a snail’s pace, what has made us have to use Martin Luther King Jr’s quotes this week with the same relevancy and impact that was intended for past times.
I will leave you with one of Dr. King’s most forgotten quotes, which calls out white people who want to stick to the status quo.
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