Barron Trump Refuses Royal Title
The youngest of Clan Trump officially refused an offer to be made a royal. Queen Elizabeth reached out to the youth believing Barron is “regal” and “just the sort of person we need.” Sources state she did not say if Barron would be made a baron, earl, duke, or even a prince. Regardless, his refusal was a swift, No.
And why did this political prince of America not accept? Was it out of love of country and his dedication to small r republicanism? In his heart does he know one can not be a citizen of the United States of America and in good faith be a subject of the crown?
It’s none of those things friends say.
“I’m already part of one dysfunctional family. And one is enough, thank you very much,” he said.
It’s been icy at the Trump central since Barron turned the Queen down. Donald is even spending less time with his youngest son and that’s difficult to do since he never spent time with the youth to begin with. Mom Melania insists on cooking for her boy and that could be the worst punishment of all. Both parents hoped Barron would become a prince and possibly help them out if and when New York Prosecutor Cyrus Vance catches up with them.
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