I picked this up from a media social outlet (don't want to say which) of a comment that had been widely shared, and eventually made it's way to my partner's social media account and she showed it to me, and I have reposted it here, and will let you all decide whether you think the following is a trope or a true characterization of how the issue of race is being used against white people.
Billy's Mom: What did you learn about in school today, Billy?
Billy: We learned all about whiteness and blackness.
Billy's Mom: Oh. About how we're all brothers and countrymen, and how we shouldn't judge a man by the color of his skin?
Billy: No, mom. Whiteness is everything around us. All our literature, our courts, our laws, our police, our schools, our industries and economy, our great men, our governments, all of it is whiteness. How we think about families, about science and math, about prosperity, mom, is whiteness. Even things like Shakespeare, Dr. Seuss, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are whiteness. When white people like things that black people liked first, like rock 'n roll or jazz or Cajun cuisine, that's whiteness too.
Billy's Mom: But what is blackness then?
Billy: Blackness is being descended from slaves. Intergenerational racial trauma. Being oppressed and believing you're inferior and hated. Blackness is working but never getting anywhere. Blackness is the crime, poverty, and corruption of Africa. It's tribalism, and mysticism, and subsistence living. Most of all, though, blackness is about tearing down whiteness, and never allowing whiteness to reassert itself.
Billy's Mom: Oh Billy, you-
Billy: Don't worry Mom. I'm a white traitor. I'm going to head over to Ms. Marple's house and ask her to tell me all the ways whiteness and white people oppress her. Then I'm going to give her my allowance money and ask her to forgive me for oppressing her and her people.
Billy's Mom: "Her people?" The Marples are richer than we are. Ms. Marple is chair of the PTA.
Billy: You're exercising white privilege, Mom. Shutting down dialog. That's another symptom of whiteness that needs to be torn down.
Billy's Mom: Now hold on a minute, Billy-
Billy: I choose to end this dialog now. If you don't stand with us, you stand against us.
Billy's Mom: "Us?" Who's "us"?
Billy: You're a white supremacist, Mom. I evaluated you on the scale. I don't dialog with white supremacists.
Billy's Mom: What have they done to my eight-year-old?
There you have it folks, what do you think?
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