With the decisions by Facebook and Twitter to bar Donald Trump, and with the controversies that have surrounded such platforms - what they should be allowed to post or censor - I have to wonder how I have survived my whole life with neither.

Maybe I am a dinosaur, but I simply do not "get" it. I want to talk to someone, I call them, or text them. I do have skype to do some face to face. But I have never had Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, et al.

I know people who have 500 friends on Facebook, and who has 500 friends? Seriously? I know people who are constantly telling me "I got to check my Facebook" and I am thinking, really??

So I will drop the question out there, do YOU have Facebook or Twitter or use some similar social platform? Why? What is the draw? What do you get out of it?

Inquiring minds wanna know.


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