Y'all - cute

grits - yuck

buxom southern belles - charming

big Trucks - annoying

likker - prefer weed

southern twang - annoying or charming depending who you are speaking to

country music - ick

southern sayings:

example: faster than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking competition.

- kinda cute in limited portions

cowboy boots - I once owned a pair, nuff said

southern charm - it's real, iffn you ain't no librul 

saying ain't - 

Now, Y'all don't go gettin' yaself all offended, southeners be real nice folk but some of 'em they got themselves some real intrusting habits.

So, no point in rufflin' no feathers, we just be havin' us some fun today, so y'all speak up now, and list what habits y'all find cute or quaint or just plum annoyin'.

'Cause, I just scratched the surface, I am darn sure y'all are aware of more southern habits, attitudes, and sayins' than I can think of.

And ummm, folks, ya want to make it political, sure as hell fire, you be welcome to, but I am hopin' y'all prefer to just have some fun with this here one.


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