r e b m a h C o h c E <----------------------------> E c h o C h a m b e r s


I foolishly spent part of the day in an echo chamber.  You know the type of place:  everybody has the same opinion, though each claims to be a Truly Independent Thinker.  They just all happen to agree.  What a co-inky-dink!

In this case, I was sucked in by the topic article--an article predicated on the very climate theory that every member of the discussion group knew was false, no matter what those mere scientists thought.  The article was about the dangers presented by climate change, and asked what we can do about it.  Silly me, I came there expecting a discussion of the article's point.


Every comment was about how climate change is phony, disproven, blah blah blah.  The article was ignored. I was informed that peer review is worthless.  That scientific consensus was worthless.   That any climatologists who supported the climate change theory were "pseudo-scientists."  That anybody who didn't agree with the leitmotif of the group was closed-minded.

In short--a typical echo chamber.  I should have known better!!

But it made me reflect on some of the topics that, these days, almost always result in either an echo chamber or a flame war.  The election.  Climate change.  Q-Anon.  The "mainstream media is all on one side" stuff.  The Joe Biden is Demented stuff.  And so many more, all really, really stupid.  But I still fall for it sometimes!

Do you find yourself sucked into this stuff?  Is there a secret craving for a really big battle?  What drives us into these arguments with people who cannot hear anything?  And does it mean we're as silly as they are?

Tell us your echo chamber story!



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