Defining moments…

Who are you?  Why are you?  What are you?  Yes, these are a few questions that define us; who we are as a person.  Whether young, or old, or somewhere in between, or even someone who has never wondered much about it, many factors have affected who you have become.

On occasion, some factors have influenced you more than others.  We have come to call those “defining moments.”  Maybe it was the birth of a child.  Maybe you lost a child.  Maybe it was finally getting the job you always wanted and worked so hard for.  Maybe you won the lottery.  Hey, many things can emotionally affect us in such a monumental way.  And that’s what this OP is about.  So…

Assuming free will is real, and that you do have some control over your life’s choices, list *a* (or some of the) defining moment(s) of your life; moments that made you into who you are today.

de·fin·ing mo·ment

/dəˈfīniNG,dēˈfīniNG ˈmōmənt/


plural noun: defining moments

  1. an event which typifies or determines all subsequent related occurrences.

"this is a defining moment for him—there could be a backlash, but there could be great benefits"

Thanks for posting and recommending.

(posted by PrimalSoup)


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